It all depends on your game.
And there's gravity. There needs to be a fairly realistic rate of falling towards the ground. I don't mean close to earth's gravity, I just mean it can't just fall at a constant speed towards the ground. It needs to accelerate. (Although, this does depend on the game. There may be certain instances where a constant velocity is fine, but in most cases, it will need some sort of acceleration)
That's the simple physics. I'll go into the more complicated stuff in a later post. So let's start with a canvas of width 500x500. So that there will be room to move, to appreciate the physics a bit more.
Now here's the javascript:<canvas id="canvas" width="500" height="500" style="background-color: #A9A9A9;"> Browser not compatible with HTML5 canvas </canvas>
const FPS = 30; var playerPosX = 0; var playerPosY = 0; var playerVelX = 0; var playerVelY = 0; var onGround = 0; var playerImg = new Image(); playerImg.src = ""; var canvas = null; var context2D = null; var keys = new Array(); window.onload = init; window.addEventListener('keydown',keyDown,true); window.addEventListener('keyup',keyUp,true); function keyDown(evt){ keys[evt.keyCode] = true; } function keyUp(evt){ keys[evt.keyCode] = false; } function init() { canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); context2D = canvas.getContext('2d'); setInterval(draw, 1000 / FPS); } function draw() { // detect user input if ((37 in keys && keys[37]) || (65 in keys && keys[65])){ //left playerVelX -= 3; } if ((39 in keys && keys[39]) || (68 in keys && keys[68])){ //right playerVelX += 3; } if ((38 in keys && keys[38]) || (87 in keys && keys[87])){ //up jump(); } addPhysics(); context2D.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); context2D.drawImage(playerImg, playerPosX, playerPosY); } function jump() { if (onGround == 1) { playerVelY -= 30; } } function addPhysics() { // because of these two lines, motion can be set using velocity variables playerPosX += playerVelX; playerPosY += playerVelY; if (playerPosY > canvas.height-playerImg.height) { onGround = 1; } else { onGround = 0; } // stop character from building up too much speed // this means the character can realistically accelerate and continue at normal speed if (playerVelX >= 10) { playerVelX = 10; } else if (playerVelX <= -10) { playerVelX = -10; } // friction playerVelX *= 0.85; if (playerVelX < 0.2 && playerVelX > -0.2) { // so that it leaves it as a clean zero when it gets to a stop. playerVelX = 0; } // gravity (acceleration of the velocity towards the ground) if (onGround == 0) { playerVelY += 3; } else { playerVelY = 0; // when on ground, gravity doesn't pull you through the floor } }
This is correct for the sake of physics, however it is not correctly structured. What I'd like you to do is use your knowledge from this, and from the Game Loop Article to make a properly structured simple game with physics.
If you can do that, then you are on the right track.
I think my next physics post will be on making an object rotate properly when it hits the ground, so that it will land in a realistic manner. (like a box hitting the ground if it's rotated a bit)
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